Chile Best Ranking Latin Country by Transparency International

Maintaining its consistency in ranking among the top countries in the world for transparency and non-corruption, Chile in 2009 has ranked above all Latin American countries, as well as surpassing both Italy and Spain.

With a stable currency and a transparent government with approval ratings exceeding eighty percent, Chile continues to attract business, visitors and residents alike.

Las Vegas Consulate Receives Guatemalan Under-Secretary and Consul General

2009 09 26 00 07 5025 Sept 2009/– Consul Paulina Biggs Sparkuhl joined Consular Chamber of Commerce Executive Dr. Aldo Aguire, Honorary Vice Consul of Guatemala, in welcoming Pablo Garcia Saenz, Consul General of Guatemala in Los Angeles, and Ambassador Miguel Angel Ibarra G, the Vice-minister of Foreign Relations of Guatemala,  to Las Vegas.

The Consul General and the Vice-minister were introduced to Las Vegas and made aware of the business diplomacy by the Guatemalan Vice-consulate in Las Vegas. 

Consul Biggs Sparkuhl serves as Chairperson of the Consular Chamber of Commerce.  Vice-consul Aguirre serves as President of the Executive Committee of the Consular Chamber of Commerce.

Consul participates in World Market Center Event

2009 09 15 18 37 33Chilean manufacturer awarded at “One Good Chair” Competition

Susan Drescher of furniture designer Tischlager designed the first runner-up winning chair, manufactured by Jason Gustafson of Coyhaique, Chile, who represents Patagonia Legacy, at the One Good Chair Design Competition at the World Market Center in Las Vegas today.

Susan Drescher and Jason Gustafson with Award-Winning Chair

Susan Drescher and Jason Gustafson with Award-Winning Chair

Tischlager and Gustafson utilized wood native to Chile and a combination of wool and cotton to create the green award-winning furnishing.

Consul Biggs Sparkuhl was joined by Lena Walther, Honorary Consul of Sweden at the Las Vegas Market, the annual furniture show attracting tens of thousands of exhibitors and buyers to downtown Las Vegas.  Both consuls are well known in Las Vegas design.